Site icon Essex County Trail Association

11/4 ECTA Open Board Meeting

Each year, ECTA opens its November Meeting to all ECTA Members and the public.   This year, the meeting will take place at the Hamilton/Wenham Community House on Bay Rd in Hamilton.   We will review many of the projects that we have completed to date this year and those that we plan to finish by the end of 2010.   We will also review our current expenditures and budgetary items but most importantly, we want to hear from you about your feelings and ideas regarding ECTA’s work.   Please join  your fellow Members,  Board and Staff  for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres and bring your comments and questions.

Join us for cocktails and hors’  doeuvres at 6

Meeting at 7.

Click here for a map.

The Address is 284 Bay Rd, Hamilton.

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