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2/19 Full Moon Walk in West Newbury

ECTA is happy to inform its members and supporters of this great walk coming up on February 19th.   Come and enjoy the beautiful trails of Pipestave Hill in West Newbury.

Full Moon Walk at Pipestave Hill on February 19

 A new event in West Newbury offers an alternative to spending a winter Saturday night at the movies. Jennifer Germain hopes that many people will choose to join together on February 19 at Pipestave Hill and watch the rising full moon.  Then they can take a walk or cross-country ski through the surrounding fields. “There will be short loops suitable for families and longer ones for the more energetic.” said Germain “Snow shoes would work well too. We’d like to invite everyone to celebrate our beautiful town by moonlight”

Organized in conjunction with West Newbury’s Open Space Committee, the event will be held from 7:00 – 9:00 PM (moonrise is 7:23). Parking and the meeting place will be at the large upper parking lot across Route 113 from the Page School.

To warm up, hot chocolate will be donated by Selectman Glenn Kemper. Walkers are also encouraged to bring marshmallows – and sticks – to roast on a cook fire overlooking the athletic fields.   “It will be nothing like the Christmas tree bonfire in Newbury.” Said Germain. “ We don’t want to upstage the brilliance of the moon! It really is a perfect spot to enjoy a breathtaking view. Even if there is some cloud, a full moon throws a lot of light, especially over the snow. Of course we expect  February19 to be a calm clear night.” said Germain.

Any weather-related updates will be posted at www.

Questions: Call Jennifer Germain 978-465-1715.

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