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Congrats ECTAthlon Competitors!

24 ECTAthlon teams showed up “with bells on” Saturday morning at Bradley Palmer State Park, despite a dreary forecast for the day!   And all teams finished the race in one piece – one soaking wet, tired and hungry piece, that is!

Our first place team was “BillieBo Blue” from BillieBo Farm in Rowley, MA.   Second place went to REI of Reading, one of our event sponsors, and third was the “Wet Bovies.”

Best Team Attire was easily awarded to the Willowdale Warriors in their fluorescent yellow ECTAthlon team shirts, who also took home Lowest Combined Age.   Highest Combined Age went to the Sandulli-Nylen-Mulkerin team, and Best Team Name was “Team Un-direction.”   Mark Prestero was the winner of our REI/ECTAthlon Mountain Bike Raffle.

This was the inaugural year for the “Disability Division,” in which we had two entries.   The Spaulding Adaptive Team had an adaptive mountain biker and an adaptive equestrian, and despite extremely challenging circumstances, brought home the win in this division.

We would also like to recognize Board Chairman Peter Campot who completed all 4 legs of the race himself, and still managed to come in 7th place – congratulations Peter!

Most of the pictures have been posted on our Facebook Page.   We will have a few more coming from the riding section soon.   Please feel free to post your own pictures to the site as well – we’d love to see them!   The full race results should be posted tomorrow…check our website for updates.

Thank you to all of the volunteers who made this event possible – it takes a lot of coordination to pull off this event under ideal conditions, let alone in the pouring rain!   Special thanks to EBSCO Publishing for saving the day by allowing us to use their cafeteria for the awards ceremony!!

Thanks to our sponsors: EBSCO Publishing, Institution for Savings, New England Biolabs, Ipswich Ale Brewery and REI of Reading.   Thanks to Fusion for sponsoring our T-shirts, and New England Running and Pinnacle Bikes for donating gift certificates for the winning teams.   Thank you also to the Winthrop and Colloredo-Mansfeld families for allowing us to hold the equestrian part of the race on their properties, and Bradley Palmer State Park for supporting the event and allowing us use of the shed for race check-in.

Lastly, thank you to all of the competitors who brought a positive attitude and a competitive spirit to the race on Saturday under extreme conditions.   We have now run this event under the best of conditions and the worst, and it can only get better from here!   We have been getting great feedback from the competitors and will continue to improve this event in 2013!

For full results, click here.

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