Site icon Essex County Trail Association

Ipswich votes to protect Maplecroft Farm/Trail

On October 19, Ipswich voters, despite difficult economic times, overwhelmingly authorized the selectmen to fund the protection of 247 acres of Maplecroft Farm.   Ipswich’s portion will be about 44% of the total purchase price to place conservation restrictions and an ECTA  trail easement on the property.   ECTA and our partners, the Trust for Public Land, Essex County Greenbelt and the Town of Ipswich Open Space Committee organized a strong get out the vote campaign that helped pack the High School auditorium.   After settlement in February, ECTA will hold a 1.4 mile trail easement that transects the property between Argilla Road and Essex Road (Rte. 133).   We will also be responsible for improving and maintaining the trail for public use.   Many, many thanks go to the Raymond Family for having the vision to create the opportunity for protection of one of Ipswich’s most iconic landscapes.

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