Site icon Essex County Trail Association

Winter Trail Work

In late February and early March, ECTA partnered with landowners to repair a trail between Aquila Farm and the Whitman and Tone properties.   The trail had become eroded and muddy and needed major repairs.   This trail is an important equestrian and pedestrian link from Bridge Street to Bay Road and although this trail work could not be covered fully by our limited maintenance budget, ECTA met with landowner Deirdre Pirie to try to come to a solution to get these repairs done. It was decided that if we could purchase the materials, she would have her staff do the work. That alone saved the ECTA half the cost of the job. We all worked together to make sure that we followed conservation commission guidelines. Our trail expert worked with Deirdre’s crew to advise the best way to do the work. They did the work brilliantly and the result is a trail that is beautiful and dry!

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