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Trail Alert: Rail Trail Etiquette

The Rail Trail in Topsfield (Topsfeld Linear Common), Wenham, Danvers and Peabody is enjoyed by a diverse mix of user groups.   Due to its heavy use by many non-equestrian groups, riders should consider it a privilege to be allowed access to this trail.   We have received several complaints recently about the horse manure that is left along the trail, particularly near the Rt. 97 road crossing.   PLEASE GO BACK AND PICK UP YOUR MANURE if you are going to ride along the rail trail.   Although this is an inconvenience, it must be done if you want to continue to ride on the trail.   Upset trail users are lobbying Town Selectmen to close all equestrian access to this trail!   There are many other places to ride where you do not have to clean up afterward – please respect the many non-equestrian Rail Trail users and honor this request.

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