Project Summary:
The Bay Circuit Trail is a 180-mile trail crossing through 32 towns in Massachusetts. The trail begins in Newburyport and ends in Duxbury, circling Boston as an “outer emerald necklace.” Our proposed work covers a one mile section in Ipswich and Rowley. Our three-part trail improvement plan includes (1) clearing downed trees and cutting back invasive vegetative growth, (2) relocating the trail around a very dangerous eroded section of trail and (3) constructing a boardwalk over the Dow Brook crossing.
Project Goals and Success Metrics:
Currently the section of the Bay Circuit Trail over Prospect Hill is underutilized because fallen trees, overgrown vegetation and eroding trail areas have discouraged use. Additionally, the crossing over the Dow Brook, a series of 5-6 stepping stones, is impassable following periods of high precipitation. Our goal is to improve trail safety and accessibility, increase use of this section of trail, and reduce the impact of trail users on the wetlands and water supply.
To measure and ensure the success of this project, trail conditions will be monitored over the course of one year from completion of work to determine that (1) vegetation was cleared back far enough that it does not continue to impede the trail (2) the newly rerouted trail does not develop any erosion or muddy areas (3) the boardwalk permits safe crossing following times of highest precipitation.
How does this project protect natural resources and/or improve the outdoor recreation experience?
The proposed trail clearing and rerouting will ensure the safety of trail users, reduce erosion, and promote access to a 10-mile uninterrupted stretch of off-road trail, including one of the few steep inclines along the otherwise moderate terrain of the Bay Circuit Trail. The proposed boardwalk would ensure year-round trail accessibility, reduce the impact of trail users on the Dow Brook, and, by removing the existing stepping stones which often get clogged with debris, improve stream hydrology.
Does the project include volunteer support? Yes
Estimated number of volunteers: 25
Does the proposed project include partnerships?
ECTA will partner with The Bay Circuit Trail Alliance, REI of Reading, The Town of Ipswich, The Town of Rowley, and Americorps to recruit volunteers for this project.
Do you have the landowner’s permission to complete this project?
There are three landowners on this project. Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (Prospect Hill in Rowley) the Town of Ipswich Conservation Commission (Prospect Hill in Ipswich) and the Town of Ipswich Utilities Department (Dow Brook crossing). All of the landowners have been contacted and are willing to work with us on this project.
Additional Information:
ECTA has walked the Ipswich portion of the trail with the Town of Ipswich Conservation Commission and Town of Ipswich Open Space Program and will be submitting to them for approval of this project.
The Ipswich Bay Circuit Committee has offered a letter of support stating the following:
As chairman of the Town of Ipswich Bay Circuit Committee, I strongly support the proposal to improve parts of the trail from Prospect Hill to the power lines in the Dow Brook Conservation Area. These improvements would open up sections with impediments – fallen logs and invasive plants – relocate trail where there is excessive erosion and construct a boardwalk across Dow Brook which flows into the reservoir – impassable during high water.
We have volunteers who would contribute their time and energy to accomplish the task with your support.
Lawrence Eliot
275 Argilla Road
Ipswich,MA 01938
How much money is your organization requesting from the National Trails Fund?
Total Project Cost:
Project Budget:
Category | Cost |
Project Materials | $ 5,000 |
Personnel (Not including volunteer labor) | $ 2,500 |
Labor | $ 3,250 |
Signage | $ 300 |
Permitting | $ 250 |
Tools | $ 250 |
Volunteer Appreciation | $ 100 |
Total Expenses | $ 11,650 |
Award from AHS | $ 5,000 |
In kind (Volunteer labor) | $ 3,250 |
Additional Funds Raised by ECTA | $ 3,400 |
Total Project Revenue (including AHS Request) | $ 11,650 |
Budget Justification:
The majority of the project budget will be spent on materials costs. The Dow Brook boardwalk, spanning approximately 35′, will require lumber, posts and fasteners. Crushed stone will be added to the trail at both ends of the boardwalk to raise the grade, improve drainage and ramp up to the edge of the boardwalk and pack material will be laid over this to surface the trail. Crushed stone and pack material will also be added to muddy or uneven portions of the rerouted trail on Prospect Hill to create a well-drained and uniform trail surface.
Personnel will be required to prepare and file permits, order & deliver materials, design & supervise boardwalk construction and recruit & oversee volunteers. Labor will be required for trail work and boardwalk construction and is calculated as follows: 25 laborers at $26 per hour* for an average of 5 hours. * Volunteer labor estimated at $26 per hour based on calculations for unskilled volunteer labor in Massachusetts
Signage will be removed from the existing Bay Circuit Trail and will be added to the rerouted trail section. Signs recognizing ECTA and the American Hiking Society for the boardwalk construction will be installed in both directions at the Dow Brook crossing.
Additional costs include permit application costs; tools such as drills, hammers, loppers and handsaws; and volunteer appreciation (lunch and refreshments).
Total project cost, less volunteer labor, is $8,400.
ECTA is prepared to fund $3,400 through private contributions and fundraising.
Start Date – June 1, 2012 End Date – September 29, 2012
May 2012 Receive notification of AHS Grant
June 2012 File permits with Town Conservation Commission
July – August Recruit volunteers
July – August Finalize boardwalk plans with designer/contractor
September 16-26 Layout and flag rerouted trail section and boardwalk location on site
September 27 Purchase materials & deliver materials to site
September 28 Volunteer Trail Work Day for trail clearing & boardwalk construction
September 29 Complete any work not finished on volunteer work day
Is the project’s completion time sensitive?
Although the Dow Brook crossing, downed trees and overgrown vegetation pose no immediate threat, the section of eroding trail that is to be relocated is very dangerous to hikers. The ground underneath the trail has eroded and several small 4-5′ deep holes indicate that the surface could collapse at any time.
Project Maps and Images: